Saturday, November 16, 2013

Chisum–2 months

I can’t believe the difference in how Chisum has changed from month 1 to now at 2 months old. He had his first little head cold when he turned 8 weeks, and when I took him in for his 2-month appointment six days later, he had gained 1 pound, 7 ounces. That head cold didn’t hold him back from eating!


Chisum, at 2 months, you are:

  • Starting to smile, coo, gurgle and laugh.


  • Love to chew on your fists and hands. I’ve even caught you sucking on your thumb.


  • I love your little sleepy face.

2 Month1

  • Got to meet five out of six great-grandparents and they all adore you!


  • Grandma Cinnamon made two quilts for you!


  • Had fun with your Pope cousins at Grandma’s birthday.


  • Are looking more and more like your daddy all the time. Here is a side-by-side of Ronny and Chisum in the same outfit.

2 Month

  • Love kicking and stretching on your floor gym.


  • Had your two month shots but you were such a trooper! At your doctors appointment, you weighed 13 pounds 10 ounces and were 24 1/4 inches long!


We love you so much!
