Saturday, September 11, 2010

11 days…

…is the reason I haven’t blogged in a while. I am traveling this month all but 11 days. Here is a little recap of what I’ve been doing:

1. September started out at the Nebraska State Fair, new this year in Grand Island (Aug 27-Sep. 6). Here is a picture of the Corn Board display that my intern and I put together.

2. Also at the fair, I spent the day with Olympic Gold Medalist and Nebraskan, Curt Tomasevicz. He is the spokesman for Nebraska Corn this year. We had a lot of media interviews for him as well as autographing a lot of cards with Nebraska corn facts.

3. The following day at state fair, I coordinated two presentations about Nebraska’s corn industry and served sweet-corn ice cream (it’s amazing how it tastes just like corn!) thanks to the UNL Dairy Store.

4. On the last Saturday of state fair, Ronny and I got to host his parents and their good friends up in Grand Island, and have them overnight. That was a great day though of no work at the fair and just getting to see the exhibits! (unfortunately didn’t get any pictures)

5. Last duty at state fair, NCB helped sponsor the Pork Producers bbq for 4-H and FFA’ers and we coordinated a memorial presentation for a longtime pork producer and state fair supporter who passed away in May. Most of his family was there to accept the award.

5. A day after state fair and clean-up was over, I drove 522 miles to Rapid City, South Dakota for the Ports-to-Plains Conference where I was a speaker. I also got to see this beautiful site.


6. I drove back on Friday and actually got to be home this weekend, but will be on the road again most all of next week for Husker Harvest Days where I get to organize more events with Curt Tomasevicz, the state Governor and the Renewable Fuels Proclamation, and a “tweet-up” for ag tweeps at HHD!

7. After that is over, I get to spend the weekend with my wonderful husband in Kansas City attending a Theta wedding and celebrating our first anniversary! It doesn’t feel like a year, but it’s been so great….and we’ll get to eat some old cake!

8. After coming back, I’ll spend most of the following week in Omaha for the Aksarben River City Rodeo & Stock Show with two days of educating 2400 kids on ag and corn, a parade and setting up two displays. After coming back from this event on Saturday, we are helping host 130 corn growers from South Dakota for the NU/SDSU homecoming football game in Lincoln. And if I get the chance, I’d love to go down to Manhattan and run the Theta WildKAT Chase 5K on Sunday!

That’s my month…not to mention planning a baby shower for a Seward friend, starting up a softball league, and trying to keep Hank exercised while training for a 10K. I hope I don’t jinx October by saying it’s “supposed” to slow down, but it is supposed to!

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