Thursday, August 13, 2009

Goal update…

I wanted to give you a brief update on how my summer work is going. Back in May, I posted my to-do timeline and my goals for the summer. Well, I’m a little behind, but my thesis has become a lot more complicated (yet significant) in the last two weeks, so it is going to take a little while longer. I’m still planning on being done before the wedding (which is 36 days!), yet I will defend sometime in October so I can stay on assistantship ($$$ is a good thing).

So here is a quick little run-down of what I’ve completed:

  • 8 chapters total
  • Over 16 models ran (OLS regression, binary logit and ordered logit….I’m learning two-limit tobits tomorrow!)
  • Over 53 pages completed(which is only half of the writing…the rest is in notes and will be transferred over next week…definitely looking at over 100 pages.)
  • Over 25 or so reference articles read and reported about in my literature review.

Ok back to work. Just wanted to keep you in the loop!! I will be posting it on here when it’s published!

1 comment:

the Provident Woman said...

Hope you get done before the wedding. You can do it.