Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Responding to Oprah today: animal agriculture

This may be the first and only time I would encourage someone to watch the Oprah Winfrey show, especially after this incidence against the beef industry.

But since most of us are snowed/iced-in today, I encourage you to watch and respond to the misconceptions during Oprah Winfrey’s show on animal agriculture, CAFO’s and veganism today.

Oprah is scheduled to air a show titled "Food 201" at 3 p.m. CST, where she and 378 staffers go vegan for a “one-week challenge”.

The show will center on food production issues, and will include video about cattle feeding and slaughter, along with other food production topics. The show will feature Michael Pollan, author of "Omnivore's Dilemma," and Kathy Freston, a vegan author and spiritual advisor. Additionally, she is having reporters on site at feedlots and meat processing plants.

This is a true insult to my family and our livelihood on the family ranch.

Click here to watch a clip from the show.

This show, along with other challenges to animal agriculture including an increase in focus on "Meatless Mondays" and the upcoming release of the film "Forks Over Knives," has created a need to advocate for food choice and to build a stronger sense of affinity between U.S. consumers and the farmers who produce their food.

Thank you to the Center for Food Integrity for the resources to respond to Oprah. You can find them on the CFI Farmer Resource Center website. In addition, the CFI Social Media Help Desk offers social media support and assistance, available at no cost to its users. Please contact the Help Desk directly at (877) 402-4CFI (4234) or at helpdesk@foodintegrity.org if you would like assistance developing a response, or responding, to an article. Make your voice heard! You can be assured that she will hear mine.


Mandy said...

I've heard so many comments about her show today on Oprah!! Way to spread the news!

Lindsay said...

so i watched the clip on oprah. it was interesting. i didn't know how the process worked. i would be interested to see what her response to the video was...i thought the lady at cargil did a good job showing what they do and that they do it right...