Wednesday, May 27, 2009

home sweet home…

So Ronny and I are new homeowners!! We decided to purchase a home in Seward, Nebraska where he lives currently, especially after Obama said he would give $8,000 tax-rebate to all new homeowners…wahoo! We are very excited; Ronny especially to move out of his bug-infested basement bachelor pad. This definitely feels more home-y.

I only have pictures from the website where they are listed, so here is a sneak peak of a few of my favorite parts of it, and I will post more later on when we actually move Ronny in. (He gets to enjoy it for 79 days before we get married and then I will get to move in!)

Living Room:image

Kitchen: image

Huge Backyard: image

More updates to come after July 1st when we we’ll officially own it!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

to-do timeline…

Before I start my “to-do timeline”, I just want to say that I’m super jealous of my sis right now…

DSCI0148 …she is in COSTA RICA!! Here is a pic of before she left. She had to make sure she could lift her suitcase over her head before she left. She did. It was pretty heavy too!

Ok back on topic…I decided this morning while getting ready that I needed to figure out a “to-do timeline” for this summer. I am finally done with class!! But now it’s time to really focus.  I was looking at my summer schedule yesterday and it is looking to fill up quite fast, so in order to keep myself accountable to working on my thesis and getting wedding plans done this summer, I am putting my timeline and to-do list on my blog.

End of May:

  • Send out surveys for thesis
  • Figure out house stuff with Ronny (we’re going to buy a house soon!)
  • Get moved…wah wah not looking forward to moving to a house 2 blocks away, but looking forward to meeting new roommates and new friends
  • Get a good handle on lit-review and problem statement for thesis
  • Prepare for survey presentation to 20 farm economists


  • Enter survey data as I get information
  • Go to TX for friend’s wedding…my one summer vaca!
  • Have all of data analyzed and tests run by June 25
  • By end of June, have half of thesis written


  • Enjoy 4th of July at lake in Nebraska
  • Have first draft of thesis completed by July 17


  • GOAL: Finish thesis by August 14 graduation deadline!

Friday, May 8, 2009

the beef on recent writings…

I’ve been writing A LOT lately. Yes I know not on my blog, but for school. Two of my classes required final term papers. I was a little rusty because I did zero… ziltch…squat…amount of writing last semester. So two papers due at the same time, was a stretch, but I got it done and now it’s time to share.

The first paper was for my International Trade & Ag Markets class. This was my first class ever on trade. We’d talked about it some in undergrad, but this class was devoted to it. Not only trade itself, but engulfed in theory…yeah! I know way more now than I need to. Trust me. When I think about trade markets now, I think of it all in calculus and numerical matrices. You can click on the title to read it if interested. Beef trade between the U.S. and Japan I put the most time on this paper as I had to narrow down the many intricate policies and ins & outs of Japanese bans on U.S. Beef. Here is a picture of Wagyu (also known as Kobe) beef produced in Japan. It has a lot of marbling and is supposed to be the “most tender” beef in the world. The prices shows for it at least, but I have not had the opportunity to try it…Mom and Dad did while in Japan two summers ago. So jealous!


The second paper was an accumulation of a project in which I collected data for last year, and a little bit of SAS modeling that I have learned, for my Ag Marketing class. I went to numerous grocery stores in CO, KS and NE and hand collected data on ribeye and strip steaks. Using this data collected (choice vs. select, tenderness label, natural label, unit per package, net weight, total price and unit price per pound, and the income areas the stores were located in) I ran a multiple regression model (first in Excel, then in SAS to make sure I wrote the right code!). I came up with some interesting findings, although it came down to wishing I had collected more data…but that wasn’t possible with only having a week to collect data in three states! Here’s the paper for reading and discussion: Factors influencing beef prices in different income areas.

There is more writing coming from me this summer…thesis time!

More beef of course!

I wrote a survey for cow-calf producers and actually sent it to the printers today to get printed so I can send it out. When I get back the data, I will match it with the economical data already gathered and compare risk preferences from these producers. I will have all of my data in less than a month…I can’t wait to play with it! My grad school friends that are in the same boat as me have just recently gotten data and have been “playing” with it instead of studying…again, I’m so jealous! I’m such a numbers nerd. :)

Sunday, May 3, 2009


 DSCI0140 Yesterday, I spent the day with my future relatives branding calves and working cows. I also got to be a lumberjack for the first time. While the guys were bringing in the herd from the north-40 (literally), the girls were all cutting down trees and clearing an area for the lambs to graze. Can you tell they need a little more room! :)DSCI0154

I didn't get any pictures of the lumberjack-girls, but I did get some good ones of branding. Here's my handsome man holding down a steer calf. DSCI0142

Like father, like son…DSCI0145

Heather putting in fly-tags…DSCI0147


Nice jacket…


Good lookin’ Pope boys…DSCI0168

It was a good day. I was the only one to get injured…only stuck myself with a syringe…don’t worry I won’t get pink eye for a while! No, I’m really ok. Great weekend…