"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
Philippians 4:6-7a blog about family, ranching, quilting, agriculture and the volatility of life.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Saturday, January 28, 2012
The backside shows the work…
…when it comes to quilting.
I like taking a picture of the backside of a quilt – because that really shows the hard work you’ve put into it.
I snapped this picture quickly before I sent it off to the Aimee at Splendid Stitches to be quilted..
Another thing checked of my goal list!
Monday, January 23, 2012
New art
For my birthday (actually two birthday’s ago), Ronny got me this great Tim Cox painting of Red Angus cattle called, “Where Change Comes Slowly”.
Our friend made a barn wood frame and we got it matted and finished last week. Ronny hung it for me today and I love the rustic look of it!
We also got another new piece of art – thanks to my sister-in-law, Lindsay’s, talents. She took some great pictures of Eastern Colorado a couple of summers ago, and I had a Groupon for a canvas picture. So we ended up with this for Ronny’s new office space in the basement:
More pictures from the new office space and my reading room to come, until then – choices, choices, choices!
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Even though the weather has been nice, it was cooold last week. But Hank was bouncing off of the walls, so I took him out to the trail to be able to run off of his leash.
We walked by the frozen creek – the swirls of ice looked so whimsical and I’m glad I took my camera.
We played only about 15 minutes and both my fingers and Hank’s paws were frozen.
Nonetheless, I was grateful to get outside in the sunshine and not have to trod through snow. Thank you, God, for this mild winter!
Friday, January 20, 2012
Fido Friday
We’ve really been spoiled this winter by nice weather. It’s been chilly the past week, but that hasn’t stopped Hank and I from our walks in the field. He pretty much loves it.
We’ve had two snows – and even then we had a chance to be out in it.
Happy Friday!
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Shortly. Shorty. Short.
I realize that I’ve been doing a lot of looonng, very picturesque blogging lately. I haven’t just shared my recent thoughts, only recent doings. So I’ll make this short - sometimes hard for this writer.
Blessed with what I get to do daily.
But it takes me away from my loved ones which I don’t always like.
Been doing a lot of praying lately for others. I don’t like to see them hurting, but I know the power of prayer can heal.
Feeling unsure today.
My self-control has been out of control. Need to refocus.
Hitting the gym again tonight. I wish the weather was nicer to run outside.
Not always sure what I want, but glad for choices.
My desk is a mess.
What am I cooking for dinner?
That is all. :-)
Thursday, January 12, 2012
DIY | Hank’s dog vest
Remember Hank’s vest from this post?
Well I made it out of an old pair of jeans! Ronny has a great fleece-lined jean vest that my grandpa gave him and he wears it quite often. So we thought it would be fun for Hank to have his own, too.
I first used a brown paper bag to create a pattern that would fit Hank. Then I cut three pieces: the back and two front sides.
The fleece material that I found was pretty thick, so I decided the best way to line the vest was to fold it over the sides of the jean material. It didn’t match Ronny’s vest exactly that way, but it was easier for me – and cuter.
After I cut out the jean and fleece materials, I simply pinned the fleece down and sewed as close to the edge as possible.
I did this with all three pieces individually, then sewed the sides to the back. Simple enough!
And we’re pretty sure he likes it…keeps him warm in these cold winter days we’ve had!
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Cotton Bowl 2012
I’m finally settling down from the Cotton Bowl.
For Christmas, in lieu of gifts, Ronny and I had the opportunity to go to the Cotton Bowl. Our K-State friend in Seward, Dustin, invited us to go with him and his dad – they had everything set up so why not!
We left Thursday morning, picked up Dustin’s dad in Salina, KS, then headed south to Fort Worth, TX. That evening, we had a great time in the Stockyards listening to Texas Country music and and met up with many K-Staters we knew.
The next day, we headed back down to the Stockyards to check out some of the historic sites.
We ate a great big lunch at Coopers Ole Time BBQ to fill up before heading to the game.
At Cowboys Stadium. It was ginormous – there were 80,956 people attending the game!
Inside the stadium was just as impressive – yet it was frustrating that they partitioned off the stadium so that us – sitting in the west endzone – couldn’t get to my sister sitting in the east endzone. But we saw her on the screen four times – she was a rockstar! The view from our seats:
I found one of my besties, Patricia!
Congrats on a good season, Cats! Thanks for giving us the opportunity to attend a bowl game and cheer on K-State!
Sunday, January 8, 2012
A mustache story
Before Thanksgiving, Ronny started growing a mustache. It really wasn’t purposeful – mostly that he just was too busy with work to shave his face.
But because the rest of the hair on his face grows in patchy (except his neck beard…but that is gross on any man), he decided to see how long he could stand his mustache. Didn’t talk that one over with the wife, but I played along for awhile.
He had to show it off first at Thanksgiving, then keep it long enough to show his older brothers during Christmas, then show his friends on New Year’s, then keep it through the Cotton Bowl.
We did have some fun with it, however. It’s funny the things two people can do when they are alone on Christmas Day with nothing to do – let’s take some old-fashioned pictures! So, here is Grandpa Pope and Grandma Frasier (as Ronny named us):
We had too much fun making that one.
Some of our friends joked that he was just trying to keep up with his dog. Hank happens to have a new vest just like his father (I will blog on that later)…so we took father-son pictures before I convinced him, er… I mean, he finally decided to shave it off.
Don’t worry, Keith Stone – you’re still smooth. Literally!