Monday, May 26, 2014

Baby Food Garden 2014

I wasn’t sure my garden would get put in this year. And I wasn’t too worried if it didn’t – obviously I have way more important things to play with, like a little boy. :)

But since I’ve been making all of Chisum’s baby food, I thought it would be fun if I did get my garden in, to make it a “baby food garden”.

Chisum came with me and we went on a quick adventure to the greenhouse on Saturday and got cucumber, zucchini, acorn squash, summer squash plants and one small roma tomato since Ronny and I like to eat them. I also have carrot seeds and peas so I planned to put them in as well. It will be a smaller garden than year’s past (2011, 2012, & 2013), but that’s fine for this year.


There was some volunteer lettuce growing from last year, so Ronny replanted them in the corner and I threw in a few more lettuce seeds just for fun.
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This is my first time trying acorn and summer squash – hopefully my little squash-lover will like them.
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I loved having little helpers. ;)


Sunday, May 25, 2014

Chisum–8 months

Chisum, your little personality is just bursting with joy, tenderness, a touch of orneriness and just pure boy.

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At 8 months old, you are:

A little charmer and love muffin. You can catch any woman’s attention and love to grin at them. You truly just love to cuddle with anyone, hug and give your mama big, wet kisses.

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20140512_073452 (1)I got to celebrate my first official Mother’s Day with you. We enjoyed the day with Nana and Papa Joe, then brunch with the Bailey and Riley families. The next day at daycare, we got to have “Muffins with Mom” – it was our first date!

You’ve discovered your tongue and realized how to “brrrrr” your lips to make car noises while playing with your cars and truck. Seriously, this how do boys just know how to do this!?


You’ve been crawling/scooting for a good month and have mastered the “downward dog” pose.

You started really crawling one hand/knee forward motion after another in Kansas City with mama and Nana (May 20-23). Once you got home, you gave your mama an ornery look, then turned and crawled all the way from your room to the living room.


Your bottom two teeth came in…both at the same time! Now you’re working on your top two.

An ornery little love.
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You’re starting to each more solid foods. And you’ve decided you’d much rather feed yourself than have mama or dad feed you with the spoon. Besides your pureed baby foods, you tried your first chicken and beef.

You’re such a joy, we love you!
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Sunday, May 4, 2014

Chisum–7 months

Chisum - 7 months

Chisum, at 7 months you are:

  • Sitting up on your own.



  • Just starting to get in a crawling position


  • Starting rocking back and forth on all fours (4/18/2014)
  • Love jumping in your ExerSaucer
  • Tried out the Johnny Jumper for the first time and loved jumping
  • Chewing on your toes


  • Eating peas, pears, apples, oatmeal, pumpkin, apricots, plums, bananas, carrots, squash, sweet potato and pumpkin.


  • Celebrated your first Easter


We love you!

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Friday, May 2, 2014

Beauty Swap, purple-style!

I participated again in the #ccbeautyswap with Crystal Cattle and got paired up with the lovely Anna Wastell. She is a born & raised Kansas girl, but is now a Nebraskan lifer and ag gal so we had a lot to chat about. Regardless of her love for Nebraska and all things red, she sent me some awesome beauty products in the purple-theme!


I’ve already dug into my fun stuff, using the hairbands, loofa and eye shadow. Oh and she had some awesome grape-lemonade gum that I took with me on travel last week and it’s pretty much gone. :) I also received some flat iron spray, plum lip gloss and sparkly purple nail polish that will be great for summer (and footballs season!). Thanks, Anna!

This was my second beauty swap and I’ve really enjoyed the friendships and connections I’ve been able to share with these ladies. Since Anna lives so close, hopefully we can meet in person sometime soon!

Read about my winter beauty swap and go check out Crystal Cattle’s blog and Twitter {@crystalcattle} to find out about the next beauty swap.