Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Chisum–9 months

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At 9 months old, Chisum, you are getting “so big”! No really. At your 9 month appointment, you weighed 23 lbs 4 oz, were 30 inches long and head is 18 inches. You had a major growth spurt from your 6 month appointment.DSC05782

You are one active baby. Once you picked up crawling fast, you haven’t stopped. In just one week, you took a huge developmental leap where you started crawling, pulling yourself up, taking steps from one chair to another, and clapping. Let’s slow down just a bit!
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You have this hilarious “model pose” that you do when you take a short break from crawling. It really cracks me up.
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You have figured out how to get back down after pulling yourself up (only after a couple of “ouchy” reports from daycare), and you really love pulling yourself up at the sliding glass door and looking out/tormenting Hank.
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For food, you still love feeding yourself, but are trying new things like broccoli, pasta, mango, papaya, eggs, deli meat and cottage cheese.

We celebrated daddy’s first Father’s Day with the boys going to church in matching polos, then going to the Lincoln SaltDogs baseball game.
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You really adore your dad so much.
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You can sit on the rocking chair just like Gramps did when he was little.

So many of my pictures of you are becoming a blur because you’re always on the move – but you are just so fun that it makes it worth it. We love you! 
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You went to the pool for the first time on June 7th and really liked the water! It must have worn you out because you fell asleep on me in the pool as we were swimming around. 20140614_150703

Monday, June 2, 2014

Captain Chisum’s Chariot

Chisum has earned the nickname, “Captain” from his Nana and Papa Joe. Thus, the grandparents thought the little Captain needed a chariot!DSC05668

I had talked about how a bike trailer would be a lot of fun, and when mom found one at a consignment store, I told her to grab it. On Memorial Day, Ronny got the chariot all hooked up to my bike and we took it for a spin around the cemetery to see all of the flags.

Hank was just as (or more!) excited than Captain!DSC05670


It was fun and Hank was tired! We will be trying the trail, next!