Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Our announcement…

…is that there is going to be some more purple in Nebraska this fall!


Ronny and I are happy to announce that Baby Pope is expected to join our family around September 1st – just in time for football season!

We are very excited and feel very blessed and grateful for this gift that God has given to us. Hank, however, is not too sure what to think about this, but we’re sure that once baby starts throwing food on the floor, he will be thrilled. :)

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Lastly, Ronny would like to make our announcement in this way…

baby makes 3

Friday, March 15, 2013

A perk in my week.

Work has been a little consuming this past week getting ready for board meetings, committee meetings, FFA convention, workshops, students events I’m mentoring, strategic planning planning, CommonGround planning, and gearing up for Ag Week next week.

But I did have a perk in my week…beautiful, springy flowers from RFD-TV!

Five other things to be grateful for this week:

5. A great new Bible study to dig into this week on really listening to God.

4. Spending time shopping with Mom last weekend. :)

3. “All-you-can-eat dairy-products” Day. That’s what I call the Nebraska Dairy Convention.

2. A warm afternoon walk with a friend and our dogs.

1. A weekend to look forward to in Manhappiness!

Happy Friday!

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Friday, March 8, 2013

high five for friday.

Nebraska Wheat Growers brought ah-mazing cinnamon rolls to our office. ‘Nuff said! Happy weekend!

Linking up with high five for friday at From My Grey Desk.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Our weekend

I had a great, relaxing weekend. It started on Friday, first by a great breakfast date with one of my best friends and college dorm roomie – Georgia. She is going back to school for her Masters at K-State.

Ronny and I attended the 100th K-State Cattlemen’s Day on Friday. I was able to hear my major professor speak, as well as see some of my Ag Econ grad school friends.

The rest of the weekend was relaxing at home. Hank of course wanted to be outside more – but it was cold. :(

We did bring him a gift from Manhattan though – and he seemed to like it. :)