Thursday, September 30, 2010

Can’t sit still too long…

If you know Ronny and I, we’ve had a whole week of the normal grind, and of course we can’t sit still too long. :)


Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Thinking of a word that describes my month prior, the words roller coaster, unpredictable, changeability, ebb and flow, and crazy come to mind. So I settle with unsettledness. (is that statement an oxymoron?) In my post “11 days”, I wrote about my month of September and its busyness – however in actuality, I ended up traveling all but 8 days.

Needless to say, I’m a bit exhausted, but recovering well now that I just get to sit in my office and get all caught up on emails and phone calls. Exciting stuff, I know, but really, I’m thrilled.

After traveling for State Fair, Rapid City, SD, and Husker Harvest Days, and celebrating our anniversary, Ronny and I had to unfortunately travel to Garber, Oklahoma for the funeral of his uncle, Richard Cinnamon, who was killed in a tractor accident. It makes all of my complaining about traveling so trivial. It really demonstrated to me that life is so precious and can be gone in an instant. All of this everyday stuff doesn’t matter, even though enjoying my job is important – and I really do enjoy my job – but I could also stand to change my focus on what I enjoy that matters in life. Also, the best thing to come from funerals is the call to accept Christ into your life. Nothing better demonstrates the reality of death and that you can only live after death through Christ. I hope someone was able to receive Christ through this tragedy.

Even though I’ve already been working on my travel calendar for October and November (which are much lighter than September), Ronny and I are planning time to spend together, going to see a play, heading to a couple of weddings and playing some coed softball (which is 0-2 right now – but we’re having fun!).

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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Just say “NO”…to door-to-door salesmen

**Note from Kelsey: This blog post is written by my loving and hilarious husband, Ronny. He told me to put this story on the blog and I told him only if he wrote it. So he did and here is his first post. Hopefully more to come from him!**

Before reading please put your laughing shoes on...

Title: Just say “NO”…to door to door salesmen

(Russell this made me remember your story)

Yup, not going to lie, owning your own house is a learning process. I am not just talking about the maturity fact of growing up and having to pay for the bills everyday. I am talking about what I learned in second grade, Just say “NO.” Sure I learned to say “NO” to drugs back in grade school, but this is a phrase that stays with you for eternity. Just say, “NO”.

For example, tonight Kelsey and I had a first encounter with ‘Tim’ the tattoo artist that tried selling us a ‘Kirby’ vacuum. What I am talking about is this nice guy, who’s name is Tim, barge himself into our house trying to sell us a vacuum. Actually this nice girl got Kelsey tricked and Tim (the tattooed salesman) somehow came with the nice lady. She can explain? ;)

Moving on about Tim! Sure you might be thinking, ‘Tattoo,’ Ronny you are being narrow-minded. Now I am cool with my sister-in-laws' “tats” and even my friend’s tattoos. No, I am talking about people who permanently scar themselves for life and then realize they have their ex-wife initials on their arm. Narrow minded! I am talking about Tim the Kirby Vacuum salesman.

So Tim being a bad salesman like ‘ABS’ (a company that I compete with) tried selling me a vacuum. Honestly a bull semen salesman getting out sold by a vacuum salesman, whatever. I did not tell Tim I was a fellow salesman. So I let Tim do his best in giving me his memorized speech that he learned the night before. “Aw poor guy.” Yup that’s what I thought however, I am not buying his amateur speech. Tim did his best to relate his speech to my agriculture education the only problem is that I graduated from 8th grade.

Finally, I told Tim that his vacuum is better than mine, ( honestly it is) and then, "what does it cost?" Tim said $2850. “Hmmm, HAHAHAHAHA are your serious Tim,” that’s what I wanted to say. But I did what my 83-year neighbor told me, count to ten and say something nice. A half hour later I got Tim to give me a price for $750 for a brand new Kirby Vacuum. What was my answer, nope sorry that is still to much for a carpet cleaning vacuum.

Long story short, Tim made me remember that everybody who owns a house gets these guys every year. You need to be on top of your game and make sure you are driving the bus and not “Tim” the Kerby Vacuum salesman. Especially, when they can discount a vacuum down $2100 and sell this no-guarantee, never see you again guarantee, Tim don’t ever come into my house again guarantee. Have a nice day, Tim!

**I was very glad Ronny was home because I am just too nice to say no to people. A good lesson for me, too!**

Sunday, September 19, 2010

To the man I love…

Happy Anniversary, my love!

365 a 4x6 kelsey and ronny_thumb_newspaper

This first year of marriage has been amazing and had it’s challenges, but we’ve really learned a lot about each other and I keep loving you more everyday. Thank you for all you are, for all you’ve done and for everything to come. I love you!

381 a 4x6 kelsey and ronny[4]

And even after sitting in the freezer for one year, our cake looked and tasted the same as it did on 9.19.09!


Sunday, September 12, 2010

Fall yardwork…

…this time though I don’t have to help. :)

Ronny and our neighbor, Jason, rented a de-thatcher for their lawns. It racks out all the dead grass….


Then Ronny mows over it to pick up all of the thatch.IMG_0042

Then they will reseed it to make the grass grow back thicker.

I just returned from the baby shower that I helped put on, so I decided they didn’t need my help and I’ll stay clean. :)

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Saturday, September 11, 2010

11 days…

…is the reason I haven’t blogged in a while. I am traveling this month all but 11 days. Here is a little recap of what I’ve been doing:

1. September started out at the Nebraska State Fair, new this year in Grand Island (Aug 27-Sep. 6). Here is a picture of the Corn Board display that my intern and I put together.

2. Also at the fair, I spent the day with Olympic Gold Medalist and Nebraskan, Curt Tomasevicz. He is the spokesman for Nebraska Corn this year. We had a lot of media interviews for him as well as autographing a lot of cards with Nebraska corn facts.

3. The following day at state fair, I coordinated two presentations about Nebraska’s corn industry and served sweet-corn ice cream (it’s amazing how it tastes just like corn!) thanks to the UNL Dairy Store.

4. On the last Saturday of state fair, Ronny and I got to host his parents and their good friends up in Grand Island, and have them overnight. That was a great day though of no work at the fair and just getting to see the exhibits! (unfortunately didn’t get any pictures)

5. Last duty at state fair, NCB helped sponsor the Pork Producers bbq for 4-H and FFA’ers and we coordinated a memorial presentation for a longtime pork producer and state fair supporter who passed away in May. Most of his family was there to accept the award.

5. A day after state fair and clean-up was over, I drove 522 miles to Rapid City, South Dakota for the Ports-to-Plains Conference where I was a speaker. I also got to see this beautiful site.


6. I drove back on Friday and actually got to be home this weekend, but will be on the road again most all of next week for Husker Harvest Days where I get to organize more events with Curt Tomasevicz, the state Governor and the Renewable Fuels Proclamation, and a “tweet-up” for ag tweeps at HHD!

7. After that is over, I get to spend the weekend with my wonderful husband in Kansas City attending a Theta wedding and celebrating our first anniversary! It doesn’t feel like a year, but it’s been so great….and we’ll get to eat some old cake!

8. After coming back, I’ll spend most of the following week in Omaha for the Aksarben River City Rodeo & Stock Show with two days of educating 2400 kids on ag and corn, a parade and setting up two displays. After coming back from this event on Saturday, we are helping host 130 corn growers from South Dakota for the NU/SDSU homecoming football game in Lincoln. And if I get the chance, I’d love to go down to Manhattan and run the Theta WildKAT Chase 5K on Sunday!

That’s my month…not to mention planning a baby shower for a Seward friend, starting up a softball league, and trying to keep Hank exercised while training for a 10K. I hope I don’t jinx October by saying it’s “supposed” to slow down, but it is supposed to!

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