a blog about family, ranching, quilting, agriculture and the volatility of life.
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Happy Fall!
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Chisum–12 months
Wow, what a fast year! Yet it was so fun, full of challenges and joy at the same time. We had so much fun celebrating at your big party.
On September 8 of this year, one day before Chisum’s birthday, I felt anxious remembering what we were about to step into, one year prior. I was really worried about how I would feel/react on Chisum’s birthday. My heart would race every time I thought about it, but I laid it on God and he gave me peace all day. Not once was I emotional or overcome with anxiety. I could truly enjoy the day focusing on my beautiful baby boy who was one year old!
Chisum, you have grown into such an amazing little boy – no more baby in this household!
You are super independent. You dad always gives me a look from the corner of his eye and says, “I wonder where he gets that from!” Hey – it’s good to be independent! ;) You don’t want me to hold your hand when you walk and you want to run everywhere.
You’re really into food – and feeding yourself of course. Our neighbor, Jean, brought you your own birthday cake and you devoured it. You eat pretty much everything we do, but you especially love your peas, cottage cheese, any type of hamburger or meat casserole and bananas. And cake, of course.
You also like walking around the house eating “O’s” – or feeding Hank, whichever makes you laugh more. Hank follows you around when you get your snack cup and picks up what you drop or eats whatever you hand him. You two have become buds. Or maybe he is just tolerating you pulling on his ears and hair knowing that you’ll feed him snacks.
We got to visit Auntie Em in Olathe. You really liked her playground!
On our way home, we stopped to visit Baby John and Melissa & Todd!
You went to your first rodeo! {River City Rodeo in Omaha}. You liked pointing at all of the horses.
And we got to see Lori and Piqua!
Also while at the River City Rodeo, you got to be in your first parade. You waved from inside the truck while dad drove and mom walked. You’ve really started mastering your wave! Because the next weekend at the Limon Homecoming parade, you waved the whole time.
Your best friend these days is your paci. I don’t know why it is, but you are really good at throwing a downright fit when you don’t get your paci when you want it. I have to admit you’re pretty darn cute when you pout. I try not to laugh. :)
I do get good cuddles from you after your little fit which I’ll take any day.
You are all ready for fall with your pumpkin jammies. And when you have a book, you are the happiest baby ever. Especially if it has animals. You have your moo, woof and baa down!
We love you, sweet, sweet boy.
Even when you are hanging on your mama because she has your paci!
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Chisum’s 1st Birthday
Our family has so much to celebrate this year – one of the most important being Chisum’s 1-year birthday!
We decided on a nursery rhyme theme as we call Chisum, “Muffin Man”, so rightly, his party hat said, “I am the Muffin Man!”. :) We had “This Little Piggie Had Roast Beef sandwiches”, “This Little Piggie Had Cranberry Turkey sandwiches”, “Little Miss Muffet’s Curds & Whey”, “Mary Mary Quite Contrary Garden Veggies”, “Jack & Jill Went Up the Hill to Fetch a Pail of Watermelon”, “Three Blind Mice Cheese and Crackers” and “Muffin Man Cupcakes”.
The little Muffin Man had quite the throne (thanks to Papa Joe!). And he knew he was the center of the attention. He enjoyed eating in front of everyone, and when it came time for singing to him and giving him his cupcake, he was all into it. He ate the frosting off of the cupcake then, looked at us all, picked up the cupcake and stuffed it into his mouth!
Chisum was blessed with a lot of nice gifts and had fun opening them with his cousins’ help.
All of Chisum’s aunts, uncles and cousin’s were able to make it, along with both sets of grandparents, Great Grandpa & Grandma Bailey and the Riley family. Also our friends the Hastings and the Schulte’s joined us for lunch.
Afterwards, the kids got to swim – which was their favorite part of the party.
Thanks to our family for coming to celebrate with us! Happy 1st Birthday, sweet baby boy. We love you!