Friday, May 10, 2013

High five for Friday.

The last two weeks ran together for me. Here are my top five highlights:

5. Travel to St. Louis – I just love this city. Especially when I can enjoy a baseball game.


4. Coming home to my favorite guys. I love that they have the same expression. :) / Hank is so happy the weather is warmed up and he can spend time outside. He is such a weeny in the cold.

3. Spending time with one of my favorite pregnant mama’s – yeah for September babies!IMG_1409

2. Speaking of baby, I thought it humorous that my baby app popped up with the baby being the size of an ear of corn this week – since I work for corn farmers and all. One of my counterparts has nicknamed my babe, “The Cornflake”. :)


1. Garage sale! I made $60 bucks and between the 8 families that participated, we totaled $680. I got rid of these crates, but still looking for someone who needs a desk. Ronny is glad to have his garage back, however.

high five for friday.
 photo H54Fbutton-triangle_zps678b65ba.jpglife rearranged


Anonymous said...

looks like you had a fun filled week! Have a great weekend!

Mommy Evolution said...

Visiting from High Five for Friday. I'd like to invite you to my Friday Flash Blog, where you can share your best blog entry of the week! The party goes on ALL weekend at And who knows, you may just get featured next week.


Home on the Range Exchange said...

I would have traveled up there just for your yard sale had I known!