Thursday, August 7, 2014

Chisum–10 months

Chisum turned 10 months old while we were on vacation to Cape Cod. Life has been fast-paced ever since, and we’ll soon be looking at 11 months, then one year – what a fast year!

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Getting a monthly picture on the quilt is getting a little more difficult! But you can see how much he’s grown, especially from 1 month. He’s a tall boy!
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Chisum at 10 months, you are:

Crawling all over the place! The ladies at daycare say that you are super fast and whenever you see an open door, you take off. You love crawling from your room to the bathroom because there are so many doors to open, and you are like lightening speed that you beat me there every time.

You love spending time with family!

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You are eating just about anything we give you. And usually only what you can feed yourself – spoons are for babies! You love love love cottage cheese, and eat veggies, fruits, pasta, deli meat, Cheerios and oatmeal.  

You had a doctor’s appointment this month because you weren’t feeling very good (only a sore throat), but you weighed 24.2 pounds.

You are pretty entertaining!

We love you!
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Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Cape Cod vacation

Our family vacation to Cape Cod was so relaxing! We rented a house with my parents and brother’s family in Mashpee, MA for a week-long stay. (overload of pictures in this post!)

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Chisum obviously loved the beach, but we also got to take in a lot of other fun outings and ate some great seafood.

20140712_190020I was kind of worried about Chisum and the flights. I don’t know why though, because he was seriously a dream baby. Never fussy, charming the flight attendants and slept like a champ. He even got his own seat for two of the flights!

One of the highlights for me was taking a ferry over to the island, Martha’s Vineyard. It was a breezy but short ferry ride over there and we spent the day walking (and walking…right, Dad!?) but it was very enjoyable nonetheless.


One of the first things we did when we got there was ride the Flying Horses Carousel, the nation’s oldest platform carousel (1876).

Something historic and unexpected was the gingerbread cottages. It was almost like walking into a fairy tale-land! The grounds surrounding the gingerbread houses were formerly campgrounds for Methodist church group retreats. The gingerbread houses were built in the mid-1800s by members of the church community. They were originally platforms for tents, but canvas was needed for the war, so they started making cottages. Families tried to out-do each other, so they are all very ornate.
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We enjoyed a family walk to a beautiful lighthouse. We enjoyed it even better knowing we could eat our ice cream without guilt after walking a couple of miles to see it. :)DSC05957DSC05965
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A K-State “K-S-U” opportunity was a must.
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Cape Cod is so picturesque. And the seafood was wonderful The quahogs (pronouced “co-hogs”) are a type of clam the guys caught us for dinner. Maybe not the yummiest of all our seafood we had, but it was fun to eat what they caught! We also had delicious lobster and scallops – which are my favorite.
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There were way more trees than I thought there would be, so I took in as much of the open, grassy, sandy beaches with lots of open space that I could. Of course the light houses were beautiful landscapes, as well!20140709_113151  20140709_11294620140709_153201  DSC_1418DSC_1403DSC_1387DSC_1384DSC_1347

Ronny thought all of the Frasier’s were crazy with our obsession over all of the beautiful hydrangeas!
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The best part was being together as family. (we missed you, Em!)

And seeing these little cousins together. They are both a hoot.

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Papa Joe and Nana could not get enough of them.
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Until we meet again, Cape Cod! I definitely would not mind coming back!IMG_6297DSC06926

View more pictures from the vacation here.